S V Agro Solutions

Since 2010, SV Agro Solutions has been continuously researching in the agricultural sector and striving to increase agricultural production. Apart from this, efforts are being made to produce maximum weight and healthy toxin-free fruits, vegetables and grain crops at minimum cost. From this, the organization SV Agro Solution was born. Farmer brothers, all kinds of materials are available for you. But it is not available to the crops at the right time. Bacteria that provide nutrients are more or less abundant in that environment. But if the environment required for growth of bacteria and supply of supplementary elements for growth of life, useful bacteria in the soil grow abundantly and they provide the nutrients required by the crops. We are bringing alternatives because the yield of crops increases and the quality improves. A line of products based entirely on ingredients.

The grapevine and negative charge: Part 1

**Grapevines and Negative Charge: Part 1**

**Posted On: January 01, 1970**

This topic is extremely important, but for some unknown reason, no one seems to be discussing it. First, let's understand what negative charge is (in relation to plants). All plants that grow in the soil are under the influence of a negative charge because the Earth itself is the largest source of negative charge. A negative charge is essentially the return flow of electric current (the entire universe, including living beings, is continuously under the influence of negative and positive electric waves). Specifically, plants are under the influence of negative waves (humans also exist between these two charges, with the only difference being that the positive charge in the human heart continuously converts into negative current, which is perhaps referred to as the human soul. Every living being (except plants) is found to be alive in this manner). In reality, positive charge/current/flow is energy. (The electric current flowing through wires is very powerful, while the current found in living beings is very weak). All living beings exist because of this energy. However, this energy is produced only through struggle (some form of friction). 

This energy is produced through various conversions, using many types of hormones, and new ones are also generated. The necessary energy is stored in the living body; some energy is used immediately for survival, some for physical movement, and a little leftover energy is destroyed again in the heart (conversion of positive to negative). This occurs in all living beings except plants. Now, let’s see how energy circulates in plants (grapevines). In plants, the role of the heart is performed by the soil/ground. (All living beings except plants need to rely on something else to survive or obtain energy). Nature itself nurtures, nourishes, and takes care of plants. The heart of these plants is directly the soil/ground.

Mr. Subhashchandra Karale Sir

Grapevines and Negative Charge: Part 2

Apart from plants, other organisms have to take support from plants or other organisms to get energy, but the plant does not support itself, but nature itself supports the plant. The energy required by plants is supplied by a combination of sunlight, water, air and soil. Negative charge has a big role in this process, why negative? 
The plant is located on the soil/ground and the ground attracts and neutralizes any kind of electric current.   Of course, plants grown/planted on the ground act as excellent conductors of electricity. (That's why the charged lightning created in the sky does not fall on the tall tree, but the tree pulls this lightning towards itself) In short, plants have a negative charge/load. And the plant constantly pulls all kinds of loads/charges coming from outside and sends them to the ground, (recently, a modern spraying system called ESS works with the support of these rules, a specific technique on the spraying solution creates a positive charge on each fine particle of the solution and according to the grape vine rule, those particles pulls towards itself). The plant (grape vine) pulls up the food and water it needs for itself due to this natural law, the fun lies here, the leaves in the grape vine are larger in size compared to other plants, and they absorb more sunlight and carbon dioxide due to the combination of these two positively charged/ Energy is created.   And it is sent immediately (not all, some for nutrition, some for movement and some for inactivation) to the ground (via Phloem) in some regular manner. At or around the same time, a food and water carrier from the soil (via xylem) moves to the leaves.

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

Grapevines and Negative Charge: Part 4

It is now understood that negative charge is largely responsible for the development of plants and their growth in the opposite direction to the force of gravity, and I think that the relationship between plants and nature must be a mystery. Plants are developing their life cycle only on the behest of nature and due to the proximity of plants, nature is making it like that. There are certain rules set by nature for plants, the principles of commercial agriculture are based on this rule (principle). Natural agriculture and commercial agriculture or modern agriculture are often debated, in fact, for the last several centuries, humans have been farming with the help of plants. It cannot be called natural agriculture. In fact, farmers do not allow plants to grow in a natural way, taking advantage of the laws of nature. Production is taken from the plant at will, hence all agriculture today is "unnatural farming practices". Today we are going to study one such rule that nature has decided for the plant (grape vine). Plants produce only after nature's cues. That law is "Whenever a plant's survival is in question, the plant turns to reproduction" that is the law of nature. In the modern farming system, many fruit crops are harvested using the same principles, in crops like guava, pomegranate, sitafal, after a certain period of rest, the roots are exposed and a few roots are cut and those trees are given a kind of stress (trouble) and induced to produce fruit. goes A similar trace is given by girdling the grape vine resulting in a guaranteed spring. From a scientific point of view, when the negative charge (effect) on the plant is very low, the period after which is suitable for production from the plant, the time to reduce the negative charge on the grape vine (to hold the spring) is the stress given before pruning in October. If the vineyard is properly stressed (if the grape vine has developed strong and mature canes, 15 to 20 days of stress is sufficient depending on the type of soil) a guaranteed and abundant spring will emerge, the leaves of the plant (grape vine) with the help of plenty of sunlight and carbon dioxide air (photosynthesis) ) are continuously producing food, through the process of food production, a positive charge is created, but no force is created in that charge, because basically, the negative charge effect on the grape vine is more, so it immediately goes into neutral state, but This depressed stage stops near the roots of the vine. But when the roots of the grape vine stop neutralizing the charge from above, the internal part of the vine begins to move rapidly and this negative charge begins to turn into a "negative force".

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

The grapevine and negative charge: Part 5

Emergence or regular production of perennial plants depends on changes in climate and extreme changes in physical conditions. Plants produce little or irregular production (flowers, fruits, seeds, etc.) if they continue to receive continuous and regular water feeding in very mild climates. To give an example, in Konkan, it rains heavily during the monsoons, it rains so much that the scarce nutrients available in the soil are drained and washed away, but when the monsoons are over, there is a water shortage in many parts of the same Konkan.   Here in the country i.e. western Maharashtra rains are more or less even after the monsoon ends, the water conditions are good but the mango orchards here do not get regular spring (some mango trees need one year of mangoes) the special reason is that the flow of negative charge in our mango trees continues regularly for a long time. But in Rahato and Konkan, the negative charge is soon transformed into a negative force. Now let's see how this negative force works on the grapevine, after pruning, the negative charge is regulated by feeding the garden with plenty of food and water (when the roots are activated, food moves up from the soil) only then new canes and nutrient-storing leaves are formed. It is during this period that there is a need for abundant and regular sunlight. During this period, the roots are very aggressive. During this period, it is necessary to supply the necessary nutrients to the grapevine, the longer the flow of negative charge remains, the more the malkadas will be formed and the further production will depend. This process usually takes 120 to 135 days in the vineyard. In the initial period, after rough pruning, during the formation of garden sticks, if there is even a slight change in the weather or if there is a cloudy weather, premature rain, the first direct effect is on the grape root, the charge produced in the leaf stem slows down, the flow of negative charge stops, and the root function suddenly stops. On the occasion of closure, the grape vine also becomes sick (downy, karpa disease occurs) and due to this reason, the problem of bunch jiran is created. (SV Ketone does not cause the vine roots to stop working immediately if used regularly i.e. soil and foliar application at the same time, Ketone works very well in the same organization of the plant). In short, it is necessary to keep the root working smoothly until the kadi matures. 15 to 20 days before the next fruit pruning, the garden should be subjected to food and water stress, which means that the eyes on the canes are formed. For about 4-5 months the grape vine is happy, the roots are very active and suddenly all these buds close, the roots of the grape vine dry up, the food and water supply is cut off (a kind of shock to the roots). , the positive charge is active in the leaves, sticks and trunk but the flow of positive charge cannot reach the ground, due to the very weak negative charge, the substances coming from the leaves and tops stop coming to the roots and this flow speed stops suddenly, it has to be called negative force. (All these processes happen very quickly and in a short period of time) While the roots and leaves are being nourished, some of these substances and the neutral substances produced in the process and the charged food particles are released back into the soil through the roots, but the roots have stopped working in the negative force (less negative load). Due to this) the root is not white and young, it is brown and June, in this root, many types of salts and some toxic substances have been accumulated (garbage enzymes). It is easy to get the desired product from the grape vine. 

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

Grapevine and Negative Charge: Part 6

Although the relationship between nature and plants is very strong, plants have to bear the brunt of nature's whims. (This is the food of man and other creatures) We have seen in the previous parts that the grape vine is ready for the new spring only after a lot of rest, it is during this rest period that the garden needs to be nourished, now we have to determine how much we want to produce, in the first spring. The amount of yield is also important, it has been observed that often if there is a high yield in the first spring, then there is less yield in the next spring and if there is a low yield in the first spring, then there is a higher yield in the next spring, but after rough pruning, if the garden is taken care of regularly, uniform yield can be obtained. Possible, (baggage food and water, proper pruning and management are important). During the rest period, it is necessary to have the correct number of canes on each vine depending on the variety and the leaves to be healthy and plump until the end, many problems arise from partial nutrition, early succumbing to grapevine diseases and pests, malcanes remaining unripe, and then we have to deal with the problems, before pruning each year. Soil testing in the vineyard is necessary to do soil testing in school, it is easy to determine how much nutrients are in your soil then how much to give for the desired production. Many times it is also seen that there is a lot of nutrients in the soil but they are not able to grow the crop or those nutrients are non-degradable, 15-20 years ago this problem was very rare but now it has become a big problem in many places. There are many reasons for this. In my opinion, the main reason is the excess and insoluble salts in the soil. In fact, if there is a lot of regular seasonal rain, these salts should be washed away from the soil by drainage (leachout). are going on and the amount of salts in the soil is increasing. Electrical conductivity (EC) of soil is increasing. As we have seen in the back section, grapevine leaves make their own food with the help of sunlight, carbon dioxide and water, and as the plant does this process, nutrients (NPK, micro and micro) from the soil help the plant, (nutrients supplied from the soil neither the plant nor its own). There is a constant need between different stages) Here a causal event takes place, the plant which is creating food reserves for itself, in the process energy is created in the leaf, shoot and stem, this energy is influenced by positive charge (positive charge) and this energy is further transformed into the main product. After a certain stage (before the end of the rest period and before stress) this energy needs to be stored in the inner part of the vine, but during this time the negative charge is active in the soil, and the positively charged energy in the tree is released into the soil. (This problem is more common in other fruit crops than grapes) Due to the accumulation of easily conductive metallic elements near the roots, there is little food supply left in the vine, and then the vineyard runs from there. Grape vines continue to suffer in some form such as lack of uniformity of shoots, increase in number of barren shoots, blight or diseases. There is only one solution and that is to enrich the soil. "Cultivation only if the soil is rich" is one of the challenges facing vineyards in the future.

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

Grape Vine and Negative Charge: Part 7

It is very important to test the soil before pruning the vineyard in October, it can understand the amount of different elements in the soil, the first element in the soil test report is the pH of the soil. It should be, but recently many vineyard soils are found to be suffering from high pH, in some places vineyards have been planted even in soils with high limestone content. is up to nine, grape vine growth in such soil is not satisfactory and further expansion is not expected, grape roots with too much lime or too much calcium have a low negative charge (from the beginning), naturally, with more nutrients in such soil, grape vines grow taller. Can't, even if elements like sulphur, magnesium, potassium, ferrous are given in excess, these elements are not uptaken.    The pH of the soil in which the amount of limestone is not at all or very little is found to increase, the reason is because of highly alkaline water and excessive use of chemicals, sodium, chloride, fluorides, lead, arsenic, mercury, bromide, calcium and Many elements like Nitrate are found to be in excess, but in both these types of soil, the pH keeps increasing, (in a vineyard in Indapur taluka, even though the soil type is good (non-limestone), the pH of the soil was found to be 10 in a soil test? , due to the excess of salts in such soil, the negative charge on the roots of the oil grape vines increases more than necessary and the soil becomes sticky and hard, the pH also goes beyond 7.5 and the overall health of the soil deteriorates. Due to excess salinity in the soil not leaching out of the soil, pH levels are increasing in areas where direct river or canal water is used for agriculture, many major rivers in Maharashtra are polluted. Many types of chemical salts are coming from this water, many lands have become saline (ruined), grapes are getting stuck in this entanglement, but no matter how complicated the entanglement is, there is no other way except to solve the entanglement. If a highway is damaged and there are a lot of potholes on it, then moving to another route becomes a temporary option, but if the same highway is made new without changing the location, it becomes a permanent solution. No solution, of course we can change our way of farming.   That's why we are going to start the campaign "Rich Soil Only Farming" in the next episodes. 

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

Grape Vine and Negative Charge: Part 8

Keeping the soil healthy and prosperous in the future is going to be a big challenge in grape farming. In the previous section, we have briefly seen the causes of increasing pH and salinity of the soil and what are the side effects on the grapevine, but the only solution is to increase the organic carbon (organic carbon) of the soil. Organic carbon is very important issue in soil test report, after soil sample is tested organic carbon is classified as follows, 0 to 0.30 - low, 0.30 to 0.50 - medium and 0.50 to 1.0 good, (many agricultural experts and renowned scholars say (If organic kerb around 0.80 is fine)
A few days ago, a Gujarati farmer friend sent a soil sample from his farm directly to a renowned soil laboratory in the US for testing. In that report organic carbon for Indian agriculture was classified as very low below 0.80, moderate from 0.80 to 1.50 and excellent from 1.50 to 3.0. It is surprising and sad that why we do not give so much importance to organic carbon, we know the importance of organic carbon, but this matter is not taken seriously by farmers and agricultural experts, the fertility of the soil is completely dependent on organic carbon. The physical, chemical and biological properties of soil are acquired only by organic matter. Fertility and crop productivity are maintained by increasing soil organic carbon content. Soil is a living medium with physical, chemical and biological properties. Such a land provides proper amount of water and essential nutrients at the right time along with all the vegetation and support, even though we know the importance of organic carbon, but we see a lot of indifference in this matter, in the last three to four years the organic carbon content of many soils in the grape growing sector is below 0.30. (almost 50% of the land) have come, (this is very serious, when defining desert, the experts say that the land with organic carbon below 0.50 percent is called desert?) and our brother viticulturists who are ignorant of this topic are pruned every October. Before , we start working with a new enthusiasm, let's say that this year at least our grapes will be of record quality and record tonnage. Every farmer needs to become agriculturally literate, do whatever it takes to maintain the quality of the soil, because only if the soil is rich, agriculture will survive and thrive. The vitality of the soil depends on the organic carbon of the soil. One of the major causes of organic carbon depletion is the low use of organic inputs in agriculture, destruction of crop residues, frequent use of excess nitrogen fertilizers, unnecessary release of many types of hazardous chemicals into the soil, and water bodies polluted by various chemicals. Curb is decreasing day by day. In order to increase this organic carbon, you have to use regularly well-rotted cow dung, green manure, green manure, bacterial fertilizers in the soil.   Crop residues should be recycled and maximum organic matter should be used as a ground cover. If there is a large amount of organic matter in the soil, the number of beneficial bacteria and earthworms will increase in such soil and the soil will remain hollow and porous, the balance of oxygen and water in the soil remains, the roots of the grape vine are very efficient in such soil and the soil with a lot of organic matter is the one on the root of the grape vine. Keeps negative charge and positive charge under its own control, it is only under the control of the fertile land to activate the vines for production at the right time by keeping the load less or more at any time, so in order to maintain sustainable agriculture, the concept of "farming only if the soil is rich" has to be implemented. is 

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

Grapevine and Negative Charge: Part 9

We have understood that soil fertility is highly dependent on organic carbon, we will now see how to increase the amount of organic carbon in a very fast way, the most important thing is that in this experiment, it is necessary to add a lot of organic matter (organic matter) to the soil, ( These elements contain many different types of bacteria) after mixing these organic elements into the soil, but the soil should not be tilled much and then on the surface of the same soil, organic leaves, crop residues, a little wood (maize stalks, straws, cotton sticks or other elements) should be spread over the same soil surface. ) should be mulched, the organic matter now mixed with the soil will start the process of decomposition (not rotting) with the help of bacteria. The heat produced during this decomposition process will be kept in check by the organic cover, an important point here is that the energy produced in the process of decomposing non-covered organic matter is not kept in check, this energy is diverted from the roots of the main crops, and this energy also degrades some natural nutrients. , because energy is heat or fire, and as long as energy lasts, as long as fuel is supplied to this energy, this is exactly what happens here, in the process of decomposition of organic matter in the soil (uncovered), the nitrogen, oxygen, which is basically in the soil. These elements act as fuel, the carbon dioxide produced from it is blown into the air (this is called oil gone, ghee gone, hands gone...) but if the same situation is covered with organic matter back on the ground, the exact opposite happens, the energy in the soil is small. is formed, otherwise the oxygen which is not burned much, the carbon dioxide produced in large quantities is trapped in the soil due to the cover, besides this, the crop in the soil performs photosynthesis at a faster rate, and due to the increase in the rate of decomposition of carbon dioxide in the soil, the humus of the organic matter in the soil transforms into (A good example of how exactly this happens is that well-dried wood and gourya are brought home during the Holi festival and burned above the ground and in the air. The next day, everything has turned to ashes. There is no energy left in these ashes, and now the wood is buried under the ground. If these woods are burned in the furnace, they produce excellent burning charcoal without turning into ashes, this charcoal has a lot of energy left in it) This humus further rejuvenates the bacteria in the soil and the crop. The same carbon fixed in the soil continues to provide energy to the crops, in all these processes, the bacteria in the soil are maintaining important functions, these bacteria not only work as decomposers of organic matter, but also provide various types of minerals in the soil easily to the crops, these various bacteria are exactly We'll see what that does next, but increasing organic matter is going to be very important, as we now understand that humus (not humic acid) in the soil can control the negative charge on grapevine roots.

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

Grape Vine and Negative Charge: Part 10

Organic carbon formation in soil is almost impossible without the help of organic matter. Naturally, various bacteria have a great role in the formation of organic carbon and humus in the soil. In the process of decomposing organic matter, not only one specific bacteria, but many types of bacteria perform this task at the same time. It is slightly different, bacteria work in this process too) gases like carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen are used and produced in the process of decomposition, while toxic gases like ammonia, methane, sulfur, ozone are produced in the process of decomposition. Decomposition process is good in open air or airy place but if this process is done in closed condition, instead of decomposition process (fermentation) is going on. Now let's turn to the vineyard, in the vineyard every spring, organic matter is added to the soil, the biggest component is compost, most of the farmers make pits near the trunk of the grape vine or two and a half feet apart and cover it with soil, often this compost is raw, not complete. After being buried in the soil, further decomposition takes place. This process of decomposition generates a lot of heat, (sometimes 50 to 65 degrees Celsius) and this process takes place close to the grape roots. The outer skin of the roots is very delicate, so the roots get a kind of shock, in addition, the energy (heat) produced during the decomposition of manure turns into its own fuel, manure is not a carbon, but works as a medium, and oxygen and nitrogen, which are not in the soil, are consumed as carbon. are falling, (oxygen burns more and nitrogen burns a little less) only in this way, damage is possible due to the lack of many types of nutrients on the grape vine, the lack of nitrogen in the soil means not only the lack of nitrogen, but also many other nutrients are not picked up by the roots without nitrogen. (Only for this reason, when green manures are applied to crops like jute when they are green and still wet, they create a huge nitrogen deficiency in the next crop). Many a times, despite supplying all other secondary and micronutrients to the grape vine, only because of the lack or absence of the nitrogen element that carries those elements, the grape vine shows the deficiency of these elements, besides this, due to the lack of oxygen and nitrogen in the soil, the formation of humus in the soil also slows down. Therefore, while giving manure in the vineyard, it should either be 100 percent decomposed (composted) first, and if that is not available, such manure should be spread or spread uniformly over the entire bed in the upper layer of the soil without burying it in the ground and then cover it a little. If other chemical fertilizers are to be added, other than super phosphate should not be mixed with manure or compost. Put it alone.

Now let's think a little differently, let's see what happens when nitrogen-containing chemical fertilizers like urea, ammonium nitrate are added to the decomposition process along with manure or organic matter. This mixture (manure and urea) accelerates decomposition, and nitrogenous fertilizers are quickly converted into nitrates and ammonium nitrates. Since other nutrients (other than nitrogen) are not broken down as quickly due to less time for decomposition, nitrate alone is more readily absorbed by the roots, (it's kind of like horses next to horseradish, nitrate is horse and horseradish is other nutrients). keeps doing Either shoots the top of the vine or destroys the pregnancy of the bunch. Second, it reduces the resistance and vigor of the vine, so chemical fertilizers should not be given together with organic matter or given very little, (hard pruning will work at the time). Of course, movement does not nitrite, but the load of excess negative charge on the root causes all of this.

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

Grape Vine and Negative Charge: Part 11

As organic carbon is important in the soil, micro-organisms play a very important role in enriching the soil. In today's episode, we will see how exactly this microbe works.
Bacteria such as Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Acetobacter live freely in the soil and fix nitrogen in the soil. Rhizobium bacteria establish a symbiotic relationship with pulses. They absorb and fix free nitrogen by staying in the nodules in the roots of crops. These bacteria convert nitrogen gas into anomie. Anomia produces other compounds of nitrogen that are available to plants. This process is called otherwise conditioning.
Various species of Bacillus and Pseudomonas degrade phosphorus that is immobilized on soil particles and becomes unavailable. They convert it into a soluble form that can dissolve in water. Phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria secrete specific acids that combine with insoluble phosphorus. It is converted into a soluble (available) form.
Mycorrhizae are fungi that provide nutrients like phosphorus and zinc to the plant in a cooperative manner with the plant roots. It supplies the crop by absorbing phosphate from the soil of low fertility as well as water from the deep soil layer.
Thiobacillus bacteria work to decompose insoluble sulfur in the soil and convert it into sulfate. Some species of Bacillus and Pseudomonas work to dissolve nutrients such as zinc, iron, copper and cobalt.
Bacteria such as Ferrobacterium, Leptothrix increase the movement of compost in the soil and make it available to the crop. Microorganisms in the soil work to decompose organic matter, for that it is necessary to increase the number of microorganisms that decompose organic matter. The organic matter used in the soil undergoes decomposition under the influence of different microorganisms in the soil. Thus plant nutrients locked in organic matter are released into the soil. They are easily available to crops.
Harmful fungi cause diseases like root rot, stem rot, leaf drop, tree wilting etc. Fungi like Trichoderma are helpful in controlling them. Some microorganisms secrete antibiotics that are harmful to pathogenic fungi around the roots of crops. Pseudomonas fluorescens protects the plant against some fungal diseases by being active around or on the root of the plant.
Actonomycetes and fungi secrete a sticky gum-like substance from their bodies, which holds soil particles together.
Azotobacter, Azospirillum and other microorganisms produce nutrients required for plant growth. E.g. Gibberellic acid, vitamin-12, indole acetic acid, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, cholic acid, biotin...
High salinity in soil affects crop growth as well as the growth and biological activity of soil microorganisms. Even under such conditions, some microorganisms persist and continue their work, excreting organic acids. This dissolves the limestone and releases lime. Replaces sodium on soil particles. In this way, the amount of sodium salt is reduced and the soil is improved.
Rhizobium bacteria form nodules on the roots of pulses, resulting in extensive fixation of free nitrogen, thus reducing the need for nitrogen fertilizers in pulses. By leaving the chromosomes of nitrogen-fixing and root-nodulating organisms in useful organisms of Agrobacterium, nodules can also be formed on the roots of cereal crops.

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

Grape Vine and Negative Charge: Part 12

The formation of organic carbon requires the combination of two factors, organic matter and various bacteria.   Apart from this, it has to be a specific condition of the physical conditions of that place, oxygen is used as fuel while organic carbon is being formed, soil temperature is balanced if organic carbon is good i.e. one percent or more, soil in which the same organic carbon is low ( If (less than 0.5 %) the air temperature influences the soil, such soils quickly equilibrate to air temperature in cold weather and heat up quickly in higher temperatures. When this contrast is abundant (around 1% or more) in the soil, the soil is not quickly affected by low or high air temperature. A temperature of 15 to 35 degrees Celsius is good for the good growth and development of the grape vine, a temperature above 35 degrees slows down the growth of the grape vine, the roots are less able to absorb nutrients and water, and more than 15 degrees have the same effect on the vine, but if the same temperature is more than 15 degrees Low i.e. 12-11-10 or below 10, however, adversely affects the grape vine, very low temperatures cause the grape leaves to become hard and crooked, the edges of the leaves turn brown and the bunches stop developing during the bunch stage. The outer skin cells on the vines shrink and the vines harden, often in late pruning orchards when the vines are in the setting stage and the temperature drops drastically (below 15 degrees) the vines harden, but at the same time, if the soil is rich in organic carbon, the negative charge on the roots of the vines will be active. The work is done by the organic carbon and naturally the temperature of the roots remains higher than the temperature of the air and even in that state the roots of the grape vine remain efficient and provide energy to the stem, as a result the beads and stems on the stem do not become very hard. However, the low temperature is not the only reason for the hardness of the grape cluster, the deficiency of calcium, zinc and potassium in the flowering phase is the reason for the hardening of the cluster, if the soil is calcareous, magnesium and iron are especially lacking during this period, sometimes before the flowering stage, GA Uses greater than ten ppm almost certainly lead to zinc deficiency and scurvy, dieback, and hardiness of surviving scallions.Excessive application of calcium also causes shrillness, and continuous use of highly alkaline and high-pH spray water can also cause shrillness, possibly Spray water should be well water, bore and straight canal water is more alkaline, pH balancer should be used for higher pH, continuous use of citric acid to reduce water pH also hardens the beads, sometimes garden water usage is more or less uneven. The use of SV Ketone in the vineyard has proven to be very beneficial in reducing the occurrence of stiffness, due to any cause, its natural amino acid compounds, natural gibberellins and natural cytokinins work very well in the vineyard, protecting the bunches from hardening after bunch setting. After spraying SV Ketone, the bunches remain soft and crisp for a very short time. Applying one liter per acre of soil in very cold climates usually protects the plant from hardening. 

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

The Grapevine and Negative Charge: Part 13

Producing quality grapes is the desire of many grape growers. But we cannot forget that our land should be rich for such creation. Many farmers forget this matter properly and without thinking about the health of the soil, they do not see what is needed in the soil and only use various chemicals to produce grapes. Only with the help of chemicals, these grapes are produced, but they do not produce special quality grapes. For this it is important to first understand the soil chemistry of the soil. In a previous section, we have seen how organic carbon is formed, we have also seen how much it needs in the soil, now we are going to see what is the exact function of this organic carbon and how it is. Only after the organic carbon settles in the soil, it is converted into humus, humus is a dark colored and waxy material, chemical analysis of this material reveals 60% organic matter and 6% nitrogen, water and many other minerals and hormones. It is mainly composed of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, the ideal ratio of which is 10:1. This is called curb nitrogen ratio or CN ratio. Many people believe that this substance is the direct food of the crop, but humus is not the food of the plant at all, the roots of the plant never accept this substance, no, it cannot grow at all. Humus is a nutritious protein material, so this material is the food of numerous bacteria in the soil, the bacteria that perform various tasks in the soil are very small in size and they live and grow rapidly only on protein material. (Basically these bacteria are the first natural in the soil) If the soil organic carbon is 0.80% or more, the same bacteria grow at an alarming rate, multiply by two, two by four, four by eight. It can go beyond crores, but don't ask how many bacteria are there in one acre! (Uncountable because we can't count) Now that we have seen what these bacteria do in a backyard, many horticultural farmers may think that the various fertilizers we give to the crop, DAP, Potash or the recent water soluble chemical fertilizers are 100% water soluble. Although plant roots can directly absorb chemical or organic fertilizers, these various fertilizers can absorb free ion particles themselves. , as soon as they reach the soil, countless bacteria present in the soil immediately process these liquid particles and release different ions of calcium and nitrate. Only then the roots take it up in different forms and send it up to the trunk. Overall, the roots of the plant take their food only in the form of ions. It is very important to have the availability of various bacteria in the soil because of the huge and fast movement of bacteria in the soil, and these bacteria live only on organic carbon. All fertilizers are not in the form of free ions, they have to be processed by bacteria, the roots of the crops do not take all the ions of any organic or chemical fertilizer that we have given, but only the ions that the crop needs. Then the unabsorbed ions remain in the soil for some time and then combine with some other heterogeneous ions to form a new type of compound. There are many types of compounds that are not absorbed by the plant and formed in the natural process. or alkaline), the bacteria cannot process it and often the bacteria die or the number of these bacteria is drastically reduced. Such unavailable compounds accumulate on the roots of grape vines and increase the negative charge on the roots. This negative charge is fine during the growing (resting) phase of the vine but disturbs the balance of the vine during fruiting. From this you must have understood that how much and how much fertilizer should be given to the grape vine, so it will be easy to plan how much and how much fertilizer should be given according to what time the grape vine should be charged. This is what we will see in the next few sections.  

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

Grape Vine and Negative Charge: Part 14

We have seen in some parts of this region how much organic carbon is needed by the soil and grape vines, there are many factors that contribute to the production of high-quality grape bunches, and various nutrients are needed, among the main nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Calcium, magnesium and sulfur are secondary elements and many other micronutrients are required in a little more quantity. Grape vines require different nutrients at different stages of growth. Phosphorus is required for good growth of roots, whereas nitrogen + phosphorus is required for the physical growth of the vine and the formation of shoots and stems, and for the development and growth of pods, the elements of nitrogen + palash are always required. In general, varieties like Thomson, Sharad Seedless, Tash Ganesh, Sonaka etc. produce twenty to twenty five tons of good quality grapes per hectare, but using modern technology, depending on the variety, we have to decide how much (nutrients) fertilizers to give. Let's think about it from a different angle, a scientific analysis of grape bunches shows that 84.5% water and 14.5% solids of total weight are found in grape seeds, which means that 14.5% solids must be formed in grape seeds leaving water, and these solids are different. These nutrients have to be supplied during the two growing periods of April pruning and October pruning. Laghe and the rest of Ardhe Natra Ardhe Sphurad and Sampura Palash should be given at the time of October pruning. Generally, before October pruning, the total nutrients required by a grape vine is equal to the weight of dry ash burnt in a furnace along with the whole root of a grape vine. Now, the amount of nutrients or fertilizers to be given to any garden will depend on the age and extent of the vineyard, apart from this, we have to consider how many nutrients are left in the soil, for this, both the soil in the garden and the water we regularly give the garden should be tested in the laboratory before pruning in October. Doing is important. Before this, many grape experts have determined the amount of NPK to be given to the garden during April and October, 900 kg of nitrogen, 500 kg of phosphorus and 700 kg of palash per hectare, then the amount of NPK available in the soil in the soil test. After knowing the amount of water, that amount has to be subtracted from the total recommended amount. Moreover, it is important to check the water supplied regularly to the garden, because now the water is not as clean and fresh as before, especially if it is directly from the river or canal. , phosphorus, palash, calcium, sodium, magnesium, etc., many elements are found in the form of free ions and in large quantities, we are going to think about all these issues, how much and when to give nutrients, we are going to think about all these in the next section.

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

The Grapevine and Negative Charge: Part 15

Farmers should use maximum amount of organic fertilizers in the vineyard for the production of high quality grapes, usually 10 to 12 tons of organic manure should be given to the vineyard every year but instead of giving the same kind of manure or compost, better decomposed manure 40%, green manure 20%. , pressed mud 10%, vermicompost 10%, different types of organic manure 10%, boiler poultry manure 7% and ready-made husk manure 3% will be more beneficial if given in two parts rather than at one time. Apart from this, the slurry made from cow dung and gomutra can be given at least once in a month. Also, if various types of bacterial fertilizers are given from time to time, there will be no need to give large amounts of chemical fertilizers. April pruning or October pruning before soil testing can understand the amount of available nitrogen in the soil, the amount of nitrogen is easily understood based on the percentage of organic carbon in the soil, suppose if the organic carbon content in our soil is around 0.80%, the amount of available nitrogen in that soil is 500 kg per hectare. It is almost there, even if 20% of this nitrogen is unavailable due to some reasons, 400 kg of nitrogen can be left and available, apart from this, if the water regularly supplied to the vineyard is tested in the laboratory, the amount of nitrate in the water is found to be 80 to 185 ppm per liter and in the water Dissolved nitrate is mostly absorbed by crops, in the case of a vineyard, approximately 125 kg of nitrogen per hectare per year can be available through such irrigation, and 100 to 150 kg per hectare is available through pre-monsoon and post-monsoon absorption into the soil and vines. , and the organic matter that we are going to provide provides 150 kg of nitrogen per hectare. (Assuming 0.6% nitrogen availability from a total of 25 tons of organic fertilizers per hectare), your vineyard can now comfortably receive a total of 775 to 800 kg of nitrogen under all conditions.   Now let's see how much nitrogen is recommended. In the previous section, we saw that the vineyard needs 900 kg of nitrogen per hectare, so if we calculate now, 100 to 125 kg of nitrogen per hectare is still less. Even with 110 kg of urea, the entire nitrogen content of the garden can be met. If the grape vine gets its full potential of nitrogen, the production is good along with the growth of the grape vine, but if the same nitrogen is more than required, there are different effects on the vineyard. As a result, the brittleness of the leaves and stems increases, so fungi such as downy mildew and powdery mildew enter the vine immediately, the sap-absorbing insects increase in excess, the ripening period increases, and some other nutrients are not available to the vine at the same time due to excess nitrogen. Many grape growers today are facing many problems due to nitrogen imbalance alone. That is why it is necessary to balance the fertilizers by doing regular soil tests. 

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

The Grapevine and Negative Charge: Part 16

Hello farmer friend, It is the dream of every viticulturist to produce good and exportable grapes from his vineyard, and everyone strives to do so, but nowadays many viticulturists seem to be struggling every time, there are many reasons for this, yet in any case the desired production and We have to plan to maintain the quality, for this planning we have to take the help of the grape vine, the strong storage (food stock) in the grape vine is the strength of the vine, the tools to accurately measure the strength and resistance of the grape vine are not yet available (developed) even with a little experience. It can be recognized. A lot of vine resistance depends on the nutrients available to the vine, but if the carb-nitrogen ratio (10 : 1) is achieved, good resistance is built up in the vineyard and yields are easily obtained. Let's come straight to the point of how much fertilizer to give to the vineyard, let's start from the rest period, generally after the harvesting of all the bunches in the vineyard, within two to three days, 100 kg of DAP per acre should be spread evenly in the open space in the middle and leave a lot of free water immediately so that then the first crop The stress of the grape vine will be removed. If there is not enough water to be released, a shallow room should be dug in the middle for an hour and DAP should be placed in it and a drip line should be installed on top and the water should be left from the drip for at least six hours. The dead has come, and when DAP and water are available in the middle belt, the roots move forward with a rush of nutrients and start working again, during this time the first production of the grape vine is made up of the roots.   (Due to DAP and water moisture, the negative charge on the roots increases and during this time, the toxic substances accumulated in the trunk and leaves of the vine are thrown out) Then if your soil is black and heavy, you should leave it for twenty days and if your soil is medium to light, leave it for rest for ten or twelve days. During this period, it is not a problem to give light water once or twice a week, if possible, mix and disperse some millet, wheat and sorghum seeds in the open belt before giving free water, so that it will grow up to two to three inches in eight to ten days. Or it should be broken by a tractor (mini green manure) along with this manure, digging a small furrow between two trunks and adding five or six tons of well-rotted mixed compost manure will work. If possible, cover the bed with sugar cane and prune at the right time, if the temperature is high after rough pruning, let the garden have free water two or three times. 

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

Grape Vine and Negative Charge: Part 17

It is beneficial to use fertilizers in a balanced amount in the vineyard, for this it is necessary to plan the harvest after regular soil testing, water testing and examination of cane stalks etc. , thus creating a new problem of not filling the sugar in time, most of the farmers try to reduce the amount of nitrogen and increase the amount of potassium while filling sugar (brix), but the measures taken at the time are not very useful, for that control of nitrogen and use of potassium in the beginning. You have to plan from the beginning. In recent years, the deficiency of phosphorus in the soil in the vineyard has become very serious. 

In the last two years, soil samples from many vineyards that have come to me have been tested in the laboratory and found to be below 10 kg of phosphorus per hectare.   (40% of the total sample had this low phosphorus). Realistically, this amount of available phosphorus for grape vines should be above 35 kg per hectare. Many soil experts or agricultural advisors recommend the use of phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria such as PSB in the soil, because the phosphorus in the soil is not readily available to the crop, often chemical fertilizers are applied by spray or combination, and the phosphorus combines with other chemicals to form complex compounds, such as Under these conditions, these bacteria are beneficial, but if the phosphorus content in the soil is very low, these bacteria cannot produce phosphorus. To increase the phosphorus level, it is more beneficial to use a fertilizer like rock phosphate or single super phosphate, mixed with single super phosphate compost or organic fertilizers in the soil. If added, the availability of nitrogen and other nutrients in organic manure increases many times. Before October pruning 250 to 300 kg of single super phosphate per acre mixed with organic compost fertilizer and applied near the roots will make it easier for the grape vine to get nutrients from the organic component, if the soil is alkaline (pH above 7.5) then 40-50 kg of bentolite sulfur should be used with this fertilizer. , (18 -20 %) means that the pH will be slightly under control.

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

Grape Vine and Negative Charge: Part 18

Hello fellow farmers, many times grape growers face low temperatures during the flowering period, low temperatures can lead to the problem of bead cracking.    At minimum temperature i.e. below 15 degrees Celsius, grapevine roots stop working, leaves stop or reduce photosynthesis, carbon dioxide from the air stays in the soil due to low temperature and (at temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius, the weight of carbon dioxide increases more than other air and it does not reach the leaves at night) Photosynthesis stops, as a result, the production of new food from the leaves of grape vines stops. While moving to the roots, during this process the food (carbohydrates) produced by the leaves is temporarily stored in the trunk and sent back to the panicles for food storage. But at very low temperature (below 15) the absorption of carbohydrates from the leaves slows down, which means that the swelling and energy production of the stems and seeds slows down. Not only water but also many types of nutrients (minerals) are required for the development of the pods and swelling of the beads and various hormones help to manage these nutrients. However, this chain breaks down at low temperature and the shell on the bead closes with growth and only water accumulates inside the bead as a result of which such beads break and this is called cracking. In some vineyards, excess nutrients are stored in trunks and leaves, which is called storage or reserve food reserves. Grape vines with such storage are not immediately affected by low temperatures. In this situation, the vineyards have to be protected from the cold, even if the temperature is very low, i.e. 7-8 degrees Celsius, the garden should be lit at night, so that a warm atmosphere will be created in the garden. - If 60 days old then spray 12:61:00 two grams + SV Ketone 1/2 ml, 1 time magnesium sulfate 3 gm + SV ketone 1/2 ml when the beads are at water removal stage, and 1 time Chelated Mix Micro Nutrient 1 Gram + SV Ketone should be sprayed with 1/2 ml, preferably water the garden early in the morning, if the temperature is lower than daily, one liter of SV Ketone + one liter of SV Caffeze should be left in the vineyard by drip so that the bunches will immediately become soft and flexible and usually there will be no cracking. However, this preparation has to be planned strictly from the April pruning so that the grape vine is saturated with plenty of storage before the October pruning. 

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

The Grapevine and Negative Charge: Part 19

Hello fellow farmers, in yesterday's episode we have learned about the reasons and remedies for grape seed cracking due to extremely cold temperature, we are going to learn about cracking and many other types of deformities in grape seed. In grapes, there are mainly defects such as short berries, water berries, pink berries, stalk necrosis and green leaves. In this disorder of grape seed stem burn, from the time of adding sugar to the grape seed, white brown spots like the tip of the heel first fall on the stem and then they turn dark brown and as the ripeness increases, the size of these spots also increases and the bunches or beads are burnt. This deformity increases with maturity. This affects the transport of sugar, water and other components from the vine and results in soft, greenish, mushy, watery and consequently dry bunches of grapes. Ultimately this results in adverse effects on bunch fresh weight, juice yield, soluble sugars and color components such as anthocyanins, while increasing grape acidity. Quality yield decreases due to adverse effects on yield and quality of grapes. As a result, there are difficulties in producing exportable grapes. This disorder is associated with an imbalance of organisms and nutrients especially the ratio of potash calcium + magnesium.

Ammonic nitrogen and potash should be avoided. Both of these factors adversely affect the absorption of calcium. Mani 8 m. M. Spray calcium chloride 500 g / 200 liters of water while still in shape. After that 2 sprays should be given at 10 days interval. 10 m. M. Magnesium Sulphate spray should be given twice at 10 days interval after berry size. The quantity should be 5 grams of magnesium sulphate per liter of water. Spraying SV Ketone together with Magnesium Sulphate gives good results, at the same time SV Ketone works very effectively to keep the leaf load active. When the positive charge is active on the leaves, the negative charge is active on the roots. And the work of the roots is already going on.

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

Grapevine and Negative Charge: Part 20

As the bunch of grapes grows, some beads remain small rather than large. This is called short sum. Possible causes of short flowering include poor pollination, malformation of flower parts. Carbohydrate (CHO) deficiency causes difficulty in flower development into seed. If GA is used in the early stages, the amount of short sum increases. Cold or fog during fruiting. Boron and zinc deficiency. This also happens when the vine is infected with a virus. In order to prevent this distortion, g. A. Similar organisms should be used. Micronutrients should be given in proper quantity. The number of bunches should be kept in proportion to the number of leaves, so that carbohydrates are not reduced. Thinning of bunches should be done at the right time. That means there will be no short bridge. After the grapes begin to ripen, some of the beads in the bunch are pale in color, soft in texture, have no heat, no sweetness, only sour water. These beads are spread here and there throughout the bundle. If the material is left on the tree for a long time, these beads dry up and sometimes fall off. It reduces overall weight. These beads dry quickly after the grapes are plucked from the tree. Therefore, boxed goods look bad in the market. These beads are called 'water beads'. The possible reasons for this formation are as follows: failure of the stem, water stress during bead feeding, excess nitrogen, lack of calcium supply to the grape bunches. If there are too many grape bunches on the vine, the nutrients are reduced, if the grape bunches are thickened, the cells of the beads (xylem) are suppressed and there is no further food supply, due to which the waterberries grow, if we consider the reasons mentioned above, we can definitely reduce the waterberries. But all the measures should be done when the fruit is bearing. If the nutrient content of the soil and cane is tested before pruning, the nutrients can be managed accordingly.

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

Grapevine and Negative Charge: Part 21

Distortion in grape seed
Pink Sum-
Generally, pink beads start to appear as the water starts to settle in the grapes. Such beads are somewhat smaller in size. Grapes ripen gradually. As time passes, the color becomes darker. Although these grapes look attractive at first, by the time they reach the market, they turn deep red and black, losing their luster. 
Causes of Pink Sum: 
Pink flowers are caused by a substance called anthocyanin. It is also found in many fruits, flowers and leaves. It is found in the vascular sap of the cell. If this liquid is added to a more yellow one, its color becomes darker. So some flowers add steam of ammonium hydroxide to deepen the color.
By graphing the chemical process of anthocyanin on paper, it was found that there are four types of anthocyanin.
1) Cyanadin, 2) Malvidin, 3) Pinonidin, 4) Manoglucose, in which Pinonidin is more abundant. The rest are very small. Mainly the action of natural four factors is on the formation of anthocyanins. Fluctuations in temperature, strong sunlight, lack of nitrogen, lack of phosphorus. When sugars are rapidly produced in plant cells, they stimulate the production of anthocyanins. With the supply of sodium, sugar is converted into nitrogenous products and the intensity of sugar decreases. At the same time, anthocyanin decreases. Anthocyanins increase with the use of ether during seeding. 
Solution Plan:
1) Add 250 grams of ascorbic acid in 200 liters of water and spray. The next day, add 500 grams of sodium diethyl dithocarbomat per 200 liters of water and spray. 2-3 such sprays should be done at an interval of 8 days, but the per acre cost of these chemicals is high.
2) Spraying 5 grams of urea and 2 grams of boric acid per 1 liter of water helps to reduce the shendari mani.
3) Soil application of 13 kg borax per acre after April pruning can significantly reduce this disease.

Beads staying green : (beard)
In this disorder, after the grapes begin to ripen, some beads from the top of the bunch and from the branches do not ripen and those beads shrivel and fall off. As the bunch matures, the prevalence of this disorder increases. Beads suffering from such deformities are very rare. Also it does not contain gar. This malformation is widely seen in the cultivar Thompson seedless.   Reasons : 1) If the vines are water stressed during the bud growth period. 2) Deficiency of elements like boron. 3) Excessive use of chemical fertilizers. 4) In a garden where there is no proper drainage and the amount of limestone is high, this disorder is seen to a large extent.
5) If the supply of calcium to the clusters decreases.
6) Excessive bunching on the vines due to not feeding all the bunches properly
7) If the leaves are kept low in front of the bunch.

Remedy 1) After rough pruning the number of canes per vine should be limited.
2) The number of bunches on the vine should be limited after October pruning.
3) The top of the bunch should be removed and thinned on time.
4) G. A. G should be used carefully and in increased quantity. A. Avoid the temptation to use it.
5) Water should be properly drained in the garden.
6) Adequate supply of elements like potassium, boron, calcium and magnesium.
7) If the leaves are kept short in front of the pods, there is shortage of food for the pods and the pods do not get proper nutrition.
8) Proper amount of micronutrients should be supplied from leaves as well as soil. With proper management we can avoid grape seed deformities. 

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

The Grapevine and Negative Charge: Part 22

Hello fellow farmers,  
Many times vineyards face extreme cold temperatures, even down to the point where ice forms, which scares the farmer into fearing that this extreme cold will damage my vineyard, and if the wrong measures are taken to protect the vineyard, it can sometimes cause damage. Today we will look at the effects of extreme cold temperatures on the vineyard to avoid this damage.   In general, the process of ice formation takes place only when the relative temperature of the air falls below 4°C for water or dew point to turn into ice. Generally the temperature does not fall below 4 degrees overnight, after five o'clock in the morning the temperature drops rapidly, we have water and dew point freezing in the early hours of the morning from 5:30 to 7, and then after sunrise the temperature starts to drop slowly. The roots slow down, and the beads in the bunch also stop swelling, if the dew freezes on some of the leaves and the beads and the snow accumulates for more than an hour and a half, the spots appear, the metabolic activity of the grape vine slows down but does not stop, photosynthesis continues, this is why we have Water freezing does not occur throughout the day, this state lasts only from dawn to eight in the morning, and even though the temperature is low throughout the day, the freezing point is not as much. Although the duration of sunlight is reduced, the production of carbohydrates (sugars CHO) with the combination of water, carbon dioxide and sunlight is slow. As the speed continues, one result is that cell division stops in the grape seed, in rare cases deformation may occur, seed swelling slows down, sugar production slows, anthrocyanin levels increase and acidity increases, and the seed begins to turn sour, at the same time that unnecessary chemical reactions occur. Fertilizer bombardment triggers bead cracking, as root function is slowed down, resulting in a lack of nutrient supply, which means bead swelling slows down and the time it takes for grape formation to lengthen. It is as follows, when the dew point freezes in the morning between 5:30 and 7:00 a.m., smoke should be made in the garden at this time and the drip set should be turned on and watered, the water in the well or farm is hot in the morning and the temperature in the garden does not fall below the freezing point due to the smoke. If the fire is smoked in five places, the dew point will not freeze in the garden, and leaves will not be damaged and stained by ice. Photosynthesis will continue, with occasional small doses of NPK sprays, during which time the SV fruiter drip down will keep the roots efficient even at such low temperatures, in fact, during this time the roots should have a negative charge, which the SV fruiter produces unconsciously. , at the same time spraying will produce a small amount of SV Ketone + Chelated Mix Micro Nutrient or 13:00:45 or 19:19:19 to create a positive charge on the leaves. The leaves, roots, and buds will continue to flower and produce sugars, and your garden will be safe even in extreme cold. The detailed measures can be done as follows, 100 kg of SV fruiter per acre should be placed under dripper and watered under low pressure every morning between 5:30 and 7:00, next day five liters of SV size builder per acre should be released, 250 ml of SV ketone + 100 g of chelated mix in 200 liters of water for spraying. Micro Nutrient + 300 g 13:00:45 should be mixed together and sprayed, after three days one liter of SV ketone should be released from the drip, so that the swelling will continue even in extreme cold without any distortion of the beads.  

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

Pomegranate Oil Disease:

Causes of oil disease on pomegranate trees:
1. When the temperature is 28 to 32 degrees Celsius
2. Air humidity should be more than 70%
3. If planted from seedlings prepared from oil-bearing mother trees
4. Excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers
Nitrogen application should be taken into consideration when using nitrogen from air/rainwater in rainy season.
Consider the amount of nitrogen fixed by bacteria in the soil
If river or canal water is used, the amount of nitrate available to the crop from such water should be assumed.
5. Chloride content in the soil is more than required.
The amount of chloride added to the soil by water / the amount of chloride added by fertilizer and the amount of chloride added to the soil should be checked.
6. Organic carbon content should be less than 0.6
Excessive use of chemical fertilizers
Less use of organic fertilizers
Decreasing bacterial population in soil
7. Injuries to trees
Injury to trees after pruning
Injury to plants after removal of tops or watershoots
Injury to plants by agricultural implements like blowers, trolleys and other implements
Damage to trees caused by hail after a hailstorm,
Yellow leaves and fruits due to excess nitrogen (this is also a wound)
8. Weakness of plants due to nematode infestation or insufficient nutrition.
9. Diseased implements used in the field, such as pruning shears.
SV Agro Solutions Oil Control Activities:
Consider the above and prepare a schedule of what to do and what not to do while going out
Sterilize pruning shears
When planting a new plant, check the history of the garden in which the seedlings are produced, do not use seedlings from oil-infested gardens.
After pruning, top removal or other injury to the trees as above, immediately spray with SV Rounder P 2.5 g per liter of water.
(Soil application of Rounder P at first watering: for nematode control, soil oil bacteria control and to enhance plant immunity.)
Apply SV Rounder P 1 kg and SV Excitum 1 kg per acre at the rate of 1 kg per acre at the stage of changing color of the fruit i.e. once when the fruit is green and once when the fruit turns red.
After moisture has increased in oil-infected orchards, alternating sprays of SV Rounder P + Rounder L, SV Defense should be applied when the environment is fertile for oil disease bacteria.
Control the amount of nitrogen given to the plants (considering all factors as shown above).
Green manure should be mulched with sugarcane mulch.
Measures should be planned to increase the organic curb of the soil, increase the use of organic matter, cow dung and use of SV Fruiter 100 to 150 kg per acre in basal dose and use of SV 59 + SVK drip helps to increase the organic curb of the soil.
S. V. Terminus 1 liter per acre should be applied through the soil once in 2 months to control the increased salinity in the soil.
Although absorption of nutrients by roots is reduced in limestone soil, in such soil, sulfur, phosphorous, manganese should be given in increased amount.
A schedule of S. Vi agro from the beginning in oil-infested orchards can reduce the incidence of oil disease.

Fertilizer Management Strategies for Smallholder Farmers

Fertilizer Management Strategies for Smallholder Farmers

Fertilizer management plays an important role in the success of smallholder farmers, who often depend on limited land and resources to feed their families and communities. Properly managing fertilizers can significantly enhance crop yields, improve soil health, and ultimately lead to greater food security. However, smallholder farmers face numerous challenges in this area, including limited access to quality fertilizers, a lack of knowledge about their proper use, and financial constraints that make it difficult to invest in necessary inputs.

In this blog, we aim to provide practical and straightforward strategies that smallholder farmers can implement to optimize their fertilizer use. By understanding soil health, selecting the right fertilizers, and adopting effective management practices, farmers can improve their productivity while ensuring sustainability for future generations. Let’s delve into these strategies that can empower smallholder farmers to make the most of their resources.

What is fertilizer?

A material called fertilizer is applied to plants or soil to provide vital nutrients that support plant development and raise agricultural harvests. It can be synthetic (inorganic) or natural (organic), and it usually contains essential nutrients like potassium (K), phosphorus (P), and nitrogen (N), all of which are necessary for the proper growth of plants. Fertilizers are used in gardening, landscaping, and agriculture to improve soil fertility and plant productivity. They can be liquid, granular, or powder-based.

Examples of organic fertilizers include bone meal, compost, and manure. On the other hand, synthetic fertilizers are made chemically to provide predetermined nutrient ratios. Healthy plants require the proper ratio of nutrients since too much or too little of any one component may impede growth.

The key functions of fertilizer are

Nutrient Supply

Supplies important nutrients for plant growth, such as potassium, phosphate, and nitrogen.

Enhanced Soil Fertility

To preserve fertility and replenish soil nutrients.

Improved Plant Growth

Encourages the faster and more robust growth of plants.

Increased Crop Yields

Boosts crop production in terms of both quantity and quality.

Resolves nutrient deficiencies

focuses on particular imbalances in soil nutrients.

pH Balance

pH balances the soil to allow for the best possible absorption of nutrients.

Increases Plant Resistance

bolsters plants' ability to withstand pests and harsh weather 


Improves Soil Structure (organic fertilizers)

Enhances water retention and aeration and also improves soil structure.

Fertilizer Management Strategies for Smallholder Farmers

1. Conduct Soil Testing

Understanding the nutrient composition of the soil is the first step in effective fertilizer management. Soil testing helps identify nutrient deficiencies and pH levels, guiding farmers on the specific fertilizers needed. Regular soil tests can inform decisions about what types of fertilizers to apply and in what quantities, reducing waste and improving crop health.

2. Choose the Right Fertilizer

Selecting the appropriate fertilizer based on soil tests is crucial. Different crops have varying nutrient requirements. For example, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) are essential macronutrients, but their ratios may differ based on the crop type. Smallholder farmers should consider using balanced fertilizers or those specifically formulated for their crops to optimize growth.

3. Adopt the 4Rs of Nutrient Stewardship

The 4Rs framework—Right Source, Right Rate, Right Time, and Right Place—provides a comprehensive approach to fertilizer management.

Right Source

Choose fertilizers that match the nutrient needs identified in soil tests.

Right Rate

Apply fertilizers at recommended rates to avoid over-fertilization, which can harm plants and the environment.

Right Time

Timing of application is essential; fertilizers should be applied when plants can best utilize them, such as during planting or at key growth stages.

Right Place

Proper placement of fertilizers can enhance nutrient uptake. Techniques like banding or side-dressing can be more effective than broadcasting.

4. Incorporate Organic Matter

Integrating organic matter into soil management practices can significantly enhance soil fertility. Using compost, green manure, or animal manure not only provides additional nutrients but also improves soil structure and moisture retention. Organic matter fosters microbial activity, which is vital for nutrient cycling.

5. Practice Crop Rotation and Diversification

Crop rotation is the practice of changing crops in the same field from one season to the next. This practice helps maintain soil fertility by preventing nutrient depletion associated with monoculture farming. Additionally, rotating crops can break pest cycles and improve overall soil health.

6. Utilize Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM)

ISFM combines organic and inorganic inputs to optimize nutrient use efficiency while maintaining soil health. This approach encourages farmers to use both chemical fertilizers and organic amendments to meet crop nutrient demands effectively.

7. Educate and Train Farmers

Access to training programs on best practices for fertilizer application is essential for smallholder farmers. Workshops or extension services can provide valuable insights into efficient fertilizer use, helping farmers make informed decisions that enhance productivity.

8. Monitor and Adjust Practices

Keeping records of fertilizer applications—such as types used, amounts applied, and crop responses—can help farmers refine their practices over time. Monitoring results allows for adjustments in future planting seasons based on observed outcomes.


Effective fertilizer management is vital for smallholder farmers seeking to improve crop yields sustainably. By understanding soil health, selecting appropriate fertilizers, following best practices like the 4Rs of Nutrient Stewardship, integrating organic matter, and participating in educational programs, smallholders can optimize their fertilizer use. Continuous learning and adaptation will empower these farmers to make informed decisions that lead to successful harvests while preserving their land for future generations.


Water management of saline soils

Grape water management in black deep soils
Saline Soil Management – How much to water a vineyard is very important, depending on the general soil type. If the soil is of heavy black type, water should be given less than the light medium soil, but there are two types of black and heavy soil, (not previously) one soil can drain water well and the other is black and heavy, but does not allow water to drain down at all. The reason is the same, if the regular water used in the garden is alkaline or too alkaline, these salts get trapped in the soil to a certain depth and then the new salts from the water stick to the first salt layer, if there is a lot of rain in the monsoon, these salts are also washed away, but this year This problem can be seen in many black soils due to lack of heavy rains, in black soils, the drainage capacity of the soil decreases due to excessive accumulation of sodium salts, while in calcareous soils, the drainage capacity of the soil decreases due to the high concentration of calcium carbonate. If black soils are high in sodium salts, a heavy application of gypsum is recommended in such soils, but this is not an immediate cure for increasing soil drainage. This experiment is beneficial when the garden is in rest period, adding 50 kg of sulfur per acre to high calcareous soil will increase the drainage of such soil. Apart from this, the vineyard in black soil needs to be watered according to the state of the garden, such land 5000 liters per acre twice a week during resting period, 17500 to 18000 liters per acre per day after April pruning and 4000 to 6000 liters per acre per day during the first budding period after October pruning and 10500 liters per acre during the growing stage. It has to give 18000 liters of water, (water planning has to be done by looking at how much unnecessary cracks break while giving this water). Drainage remains excellent and such land is hollow and humus. Even if there is a little too much water in such soil, the garden does not turn yellow due to good drainage, but if there is no drainage in black soil, immediate measures have to be taken, 150 kg SV fruiter dripper per acre with one inch of soil and two liters of SV59 + two liters of SVK drip per acre. should be released from the drip, the huge number of these bacteria immediately start working, because of the availability of food from the SV Fruiter, these bacteria move quickly and hollow the soil, within four to eight days, the number of earthworms in this soil starts to increase and in a very short time, the drainage of the soil is like a miracle. grows, the excess salts trapped in the soil are dissolved and the grape vine can easily absorb the nutrients in the soil and it becomes easier to produce good quality grape bunches along with the health of the soil.

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions

Biostimulants and their use in agriculture

Biostimulants and their use in agriculture

What are Biostimulants? 

Biostimulants are special products that help plants grow better and become healthier. They are made from natural or artificial materials and are applied to crops or soils. Biostimulants work in different ways to promote plant growth. 

Biostimulants are a special type of agricultural products that are designed to help plants grow better, stay healthier, and become more productive. They are different from traditional fertilizers, which mainly provide the essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) that plants need.

Biostimulants are natural substances or microorganisms that are applied to plants or soil. They help plants grow better and become healthier in several ways:

Improve the plant's ability to take up and use nutrients

Increase the plant's tolerance to stress, like drought or extreme temperatures

Enhance the quality and yield of crops.

SV Agro Solutions is a leading manufacturer of high-quality organic agricultural inputs based on nanotechnology. The company is located in Pune, Maharashtra, India.

For over a decade, SV Agro Solutions has been dedicated to research and development in the agricultural sector. Their mission is "Save Soil - Save Lives", which aims to improve soil health and significantly reduce the risk of lower agricultural yields.

Biostimulant Products in Agriculture

Companies like SV Agro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. offer a wide range of biostimulant products for various agricultural applications.

Fruit and Vegetable Biostimulants

 Products like SV Fruiter and SV Cantor help improve the quality and yield of fruits and vegetables.

Field Crop Biostimulants

SV 59 and SV Fullora are designed to boost the growth and productivity of field crops.

Soil Conditioners and Plant Strengtheners

SV Defense and the SV Fighter series help improve soil health and plant tolerance to stresses.

Promoting Sustainable Agriculture

SV Agro Solutions promotes sustainable agriculture by maintaining a balance between the needs of farmers, consumers, and the environment. They support the entire chain of healthy farming and living.

SV Agro Solutions believes that soil health depends on

Carbon transformations

Nutrient management

Maintaining soil structure

Regulating pests and diseases

By addressing these factors, the company aims to provide solutions that empower farmers and contribute to the overall sustainability of the agricultural system.

 What are Biostimulants Made Of?

Biostimulants can contain various natural ingredients, such as

Seaweed extracts

Amino acids and proteins 

Beneficial bacteria and fungi

Humic and fulvic acids

Plant hormones and growth regulators

How do Biostimulants Work?

Biostimulants work by promoting the inherent functions of the plant to

Improve root growth and nutrient uptake

Enhance tolerance to stressful conditions like drought or extreme temperatures

Increase crop quality and yields.

Benefits and Uses of Biostimulants in Agriculture

1. Better Nutrient Absorption

Biostimulants help plants take up and use nutrients from the soil more effectively. This means plants can get the nutrients they need even if the soil doesn't have a lot of them. As a result, plants treated with biostimulants are healthier and grow better.

 2. Stronger Root Growth

Biostimulants encourage the development of healthier, more extensive root systems. Strong roots are essential for plants to thrive. With better roots, plants can absorb more water and nutrients, making them more resistant to stress.

3. Increased Tolerance to Stress

Plants face various stresses, such as drought, extreme temperatures, and diseases. Biostimulants enhance a plant's ability to withstand these stresses by improving its overall health and vigor. Better-quality produce and increased crop yields may result from this.

4. Improved Soil Health

Using biostimulants can help improve soil quality over time. They promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, which can break down organic matter and make nutrients more available to plants. Richer, more productive soil may result from this

5. Reduced Need for Chemicals

By enhancing plant health and reducing stress, biostimulants can help minimize the need for chemical pesticides and fertilizers. This makes farming and gardening more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Overall, biostimulants offer a natural way to boost plant growth, improve crop yields, and promote sustainable agricultural practices. However, it's important to choose high-quality biostimulant products and use them according to the manufacturer's instructions for best results.

6. Reduced Need for Chemicals

Biostimulants can be used together with regular fertilizers to help plants grow well. They allow farmers to use fewer chemical products because they improve the plant's ability to take up nutrients and stay healthy. This has good effects on the environment and saves money.

7. Better Crop Quality

Biostimulants don't just increase crop yields, they also improve the quality of the crops. This makes the fruits, vegetables, grains, etc. more nutritious and appealing to people buying the food.

8. Environmentally Friendly

Protecting the environment is very important today. Biostimulants are a good choice for farmers because they reduce the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This lowers agriculture's impact on the environment.

In summary, biostimulants have become very useful for farmers and gardeners in recent years. They help plants grow to their full potential, keep soils healthy, and cut back on chemical products. Whether you grow crops commercially or have a home garden, biostimulants are a valuable tool to produce healthy plants and support sustainability. The benefits to the plants, the environment, and the farmer's bottom line make biostimulants an important part of modern agriculture.

Here is a simplified explanation of how biostimulants are applied

 Applying Biostimulants

Biostimulants can be applied to plants and soil in different ways, such as:

Seed treatment - Applying the biostimulant directly to the seeds before planting

Soil application - Mixing the biostimulant into the soil

Foliar sprays - Spraying the biostimulant directly onto the leaves and stems of the plants

Irrigation systems - Adding the biostimulant to the water used for irrigation

The best application method depends on the type of biostimulant and the needs of the crop.

Integrating Biostimulants into Crop Management

Incorporating biostimulants into overall crop management practices can provide significant benefits:

Promotes sustainable agriculture by reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers and chemicals

Improves the overall health and resilience of the agricultural system

Boosts crop productivity and quality in an environmentally-friendly way

By using biostimulants as part of a comprehensive crop management plan, farmers can reduce their reliance on synthetic inputs while improving the long-term productivity and sustainability of their operations.

The Future of Biostimulants in Agriculture

As the demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices grows, the use of biostimulants is expected to continue increasing. By working in harmony with the plant's natural processes, biostimulants offer a promising solution to boost crop productivity and quality while reducing the reliance on synthetic inputs. With ongoing research and innovation, biostimulants are poised to play an increasingly important role in the future of modern agriculture.


Biostimulants are a vital tool in modern agriculture, offering numerous benefits for plant growth, development, and sustainability. By incorporating biostimulants into integrated crop management practices, farmers can reduce their reliance on synthetic inputs, improve overall productivity, and contribute to a more sustainable agricultural system. Whether you are a farmer looking to enhance crop yields or an environmentalist concerned about the impact of agriculture on the environment, biostimulants are an innovative solution worth exploring.


How to manage soil salinity

Saline soil management

Managing soil salinity is essential for maintaining healthy crops and ensuring productive land. High salinity can harm plants and reduce agricultural yields, but there are simple ways to manage it effectively. Here’s a straightforward guide on how to manage soil salinity.

Soil salinization is harmful to plant growth and can lead to land degradation. Salty soils have lower agricultural productivity, which makes it harder for farmers to succeed. This not only affects the farmers' well-being but also harms the economy of the entire region.

SV Agro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is an Indian  agriculture company founded in 2016 that focuses on improving agriculture. Based in Pune, it specializes in producing organic inputs for farming and has a dedicated research and development facility. The company supports over 80,000 farmers across Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, and Odisha by providing high-quality products and guidance from planting to harvest. Their goal is to help farmers achieve maximum yields of healthy, toxin-free fruits, vegetables, and grains at lower costs.

what is soil salinity?

Soil salinity refers to the amount of salt present in the soil. Like how salt can make food taste better, it can also affect how plants grow. Plants may suffer when there is an excess of salt in the soil.

Why is Soil Salinity Important?

Plant Growth: High salt levels can make it difficult for plants to absorb water and nutrients. The plants may experience reduced growth or may die as a result.

Soil Health: Salty soil can disrupt the balance of nutrients and microorganisms essential for healthy soil.

Crop Yields: For farmers, high soil salinity can reduce crop yields, affecting food production and income.

What Causes of Soil Salinization?

Soil salinization happens when salts build up in the soil. This can occur naturally or because of human activities, especially farming practices. Here are some common causes of soil salinization.

Dry Climates: In areas with little rainfall, salts aren’t washed away from the soil.

High Evaporation: When water evaporates quickly, it leaves salts behind on the surface.

Poor Drainage: If water doesn’t drain well, salts can stay in the soil instead of being washed away.

Irrigation with Salty Water: Using water that contains salt for irrigation can increase the salt levels in the soil.

Removing Deep-Rooted Plants: When deep-rooted plants are taken out, the water table can rise, bringing salts closer to the surface.

Salt from Geological Deposits: Salts can leak from underground rock layers into the soil and groundwater.

Sea-Level Rise: When sea levels rise, saltwater can seep into lower areas of land.

Coastal Breezes: In coastal regions, winds can carry salty air to nearby lands.

Seawater Flooding: When land is flooded with seawater, the salt can remain after the water evaporates.

Improper Fertilizer Use: Using too much fertilizer can lead to increased salt levels in the soil.

Understanding these causes can help farmers and landowners take steps to prevent or manage soil salinization effectively.

How to Prevent Soil Salinization

Soil salinization can be prevented by using a few effective strategies in farming. The key is to gather accurate information about the field conditions, which can be done with various technologies.

Useful Technologies

Soil Analysis: Creating soil maps helps understand the soil’s condition.

Electrical Conductivity Maps: These maps show how much salt is in the soil.

Satellite and Drone Images: Historical images can help track changes in the land.

Weather Sensors: These devices provide real-time weather data.

Evapotranspiration Models: These models help calculate how much water is lost through evaporation and plant use.

Making Smart Decisions

With this information, farmers can develop detailed plans to manage their crops better. Some strategies include

Changing Crop Rotation: Growing different crops in a planned order can help improve soil health.

Adjusting Irrigation Schedules: Watering at the right times can reduce salt buildup.

Using Gypsum and Acid: These can help break down salts in the soil.

Deep Plowing: Turning the soil deeply can mix and reduce salt concentration.

Modifying Fertilizer Use: Changing the type and amount of fertilizer can also help.

By using these methods, farmers can protect their soil from salinization and promote healthier crops!

Agrotechnical Measures to Fix Soils and Prevent Salinization

Here are some simple ways to improve soil health and prevent salinization (the buildup of salt in the soil)

1. Improve Field Drainage

To help water flow better in the soil, deep plowing can be done. This means plowing the soil at a depth of 60 to 80 centimeters. Deep plowing breaks up hard, compacted layers of soil that can form from heavy machinery or natural processes. When these layers are broken, water can move down into the soil, washing away accumulated salts.

2. Field Rinsing

Field rinsing involves using a lot of water with low salt content. This water helps dissolve the salts in the soil and carries them down to lower layers, reducing their concentration in the topsoil.

3. Reduce Evaporation

To decrease evaporation, it's important to have a layer of plants growing in the field or to use mulch (covering the soil with organic or artificial materials). By doing this, the moisture stays in the soil longer, making it easier to wash away salts.

4. Use Chemical Treatments

Before rinsing the soil, chemical treatments can be applied. For example, adding gypsum helps bind sodium ions with calcium. This process helps remove harmful salts that prevent plants from absorbing nutrients. Afterward, rinsing the soil can wash away the dissolved salts.

5. Plant Salt-Tolerant Crops

In areas where salt levels are high and regular crops can’t grow, it’s important to plant salt-tolerant crops. Some examples of these crops are barley, rye, saffron, sunflower, and sugar beet. These plants can thrive even in salty conditions.

6. Use Tolerant Cover Crops

If there are no winter crops planted, it’s helpful to sow cover crops. These crops protect the soil from wind erosion and reduce evaporation during the colder months. A good mix to use after harvesting summer crops includes barley, sunflower, and sugar beet. These plants will grow and then die in the winter, leaving behind valuable nutrients like nitrogen in the soil.

By using these methods, we can improve soil health and prevent the harmful effects of salinization!


Managing soil salinity requires good water management, crop selection, and soil care. By understanding salinity levels and adopting these practices, you can help maintain healthy soil and promote better crop growth. With the right approach, you can effectively manage soil salinity and ensure productive agricultural land.


Bacterial Blight (Telya Disease) in Pomegranates

 Bacterial Blight (Telya Disease) in Pomegranates

Bacterial blight, also known as Telya disease, is a serious problem for pomegranate growers. This disease can cause significant damage to pomegranate trees, affecting both the leaves and fruits. Here, we'll break down what bacterial blight is, how to identify it, and what you can do to manage and prevent it.

SV Agro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is an Indian agriculture company founded in 2016 that focuses on improving agricultural production. Based in Indapur, Maharashtra, the company specializes in producing organic inputs for farming and has a dedicated research and development facility. SV Agro Solutions supports over 80,000 farmers across various states, including Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, and Odisha. 

What is Bacterial Blight?

Bacterial blight is caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae. This bacterium infects the pomegranate tree, leading to a range of symptoms that can reduce the quality and quantity of the fruit.

Symptoms of Bacterial Blight

Identifying bacterial blight early is crucial for managing the disease. Here are the common signs to look out for:

Leaf Spots: Small, water-soaked spots appear on the leaves. These spots turn brown and may have a yellow halo around them.

Fruit Spots: The fruits develop dark brown to black spots. These spots can be slightly raised and may crack open, leading to fruit rot.

Stem Cankers: Dark, sunken lesions can appear on the stems and branches, which can girdle the stems and kill them.

How Does Bacterial Blight Spread?

Bacterial blight spreads through various means

Rain Splash: Rain can splash the bacteria from infected areas to healthy parts of the tree.

Insects: Insects can carry the bacteria from one tree to another.

Pruning Tools: Using contaminated pruning tools can spread the bacteria.

Managing Bacterial Blight

Managing bacterial blight involves several steps. Here's what you can do:

Sanitation: Remove and destroy infected leaves, fruits, and branches. This helps reduce the spread of the bacteria.

Pruning: Prune the trees to improve air circulation, which can help reduce the humidity levels that the bacteria thrive in. Always disinfect pruning tools before and after use.

Chemical control: Copper-based bactericides can be used to control the disease. It's important to follow the recommended application rates and timings.

Resistant Varieties: Planting pomegranate varieties that are resistant to bacterial blight can help reduce the impact of the disease.

Preventing Bacterial Blight

Prevention is always better than cure. Here are some preventive measures:

Proper Irrigation: Avoid overhead watering, which can splash the bacteria onto healthy 

parts of the tree. Drip irrigation is a better option.

Healthy Soil: Maintain healthy soil with good drainage to support strong tree growth.

Regular Monitoring: Regularly inspect your pomegranate trees for any signs of disease. Early detection can help manage the disease more effectively.


Bacterial blight, or Telya disease, is a challenging issue for pomegranate growers, but with proper management and preventive measures, it can be controlled. By keeping a close eye on your trees and taking action at the first signs of infection, you can help ensure a healthy and productive pomegranate orchard.


What is Fertilizer in Agriculture?


What is Fertilizer in Agriculture?

Fertilizer is a substance that is added to soil or plants to help them grow better. It provides essential nutrients that plants need to be healthy and produce food. Here’s a simple explanation of what fertilizers are, how they work, and why they are important in agriculture.

Whether you are a farmer or a home gardener, using fertilizers can lead to vibrant and productive plants. SV Agro Solutions, a leading agriculture company in Pune, offers a range of organic fertilizers to support both farmers and gardeners in achieving their best results.

SV Agro Solutions is a leading fertilizer manufacturer in Pune, offering a range of products to help plants grow strong and healthy. Fertilizers are important because they provide essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are crucial for plant health.

MR Micro G is a special product designed by SV Agro Solutions to improve soil health and boost plant growth. It contains beneficial microbes and nutrients that help plants absorb water and nutrients more effectively. This product is easy to use and can be applied to a variety of crops, making it perfect for farmers looking to enhance their yields. By using MR Micro G, you can promote healthier plants and improve the overall quality of your soil. It's an excellent choice for anyone wanting to achieve better results in their gardening or farming efforts.

The Importance of Fertilizers in Agriculture 

Soil pollution and overuse can reduce essential nutrients in the soil, leading to lower productivity. As the population grows and the demand for food rises, it’s vital to keep soil productivity high. Fertilizers play a key role in restoring nutrients, ensuring that our crops thrive and can meet the increasing food needs of the world. By using fertilizers wisely, we can maintain healthy soil and support sustainable agriculture for the future.

What is an organic fertilizer?

Organic fertilizer is a type of fertilizer made from natural sources, such as plant and animal materials. Unlike synthetic fertilizers, which are chemically produced, organic fertilizers improve soil health and provide essential nutrients to plants in a more environmentally friendly way.

Types of Fertilizers

Fertilizers can be divided into two main types: natural and synthetic.

Natural Fertilizers

These come from organic sources like animal manure, compost, and plant materials. They improve soil health and provide nutrients over time.

Synthetic Fertilizers

These are made in factories and contain specific nutrients that plants need. They are often quicker to act than natural fertilizers.

Key Nutrients in Fertilizers

Fertilizers mainly provide three important nutrients for plants

Nitrogen (N)

 This nutrient helps plants grow leaves and stems. It is essential for making proteins and chlorophyll, which plants need for photosynthesis.

Phosphorus (P)

Phosphorus is important for root development, flowering, and fruiting. It helps plants store and use energy.

Potassium (K)

Potassium helps strengthen plants and makes them more resistant to diseases. It also aids in water regulation within the plant.

Why Are Fertilizers Important?

Fertilizers play a crucial role in agriculture for several reasons

Boost Growth

They help plants grow faster and healthier, leading to better yields.

Improve Quality

Fertilizers can enhance the quality of fruits and vegetables, making them more nutritious and appealing.

Increase Resistance

 With the right nutrients, plants can better resist pests and diseases.

Support Food Production

As the global population grows, fertilizers help farmers produce enough food to meet demand.

Key benefits of using fertilizers

Improved Plant Growth

Fertilizers supply the nutrients that help plants grow better.

Increased Crop Yields

They can significantly boost the amount of food produced on farms, helping to feed more people.

Faster Growth

With the right fertilizers, crops can grow quickly, allowing for earlier harvesting.

Enhanced Soil Quality

Some fertilizers improve soil health, making it easier for plants to absorb water and nutrients.

Support for Gardening

Home gardeners use fertilizers to enhance the growth of flowers, vegetables, and shrubs.

Soil Health Maintenance

Fertilizers replenish nutrients in the soil, keeping it healthy for future crops.

SV Agro Solutions provides both organic and specialized fertilizers tailored to meet the needs of farmers and gardeners, ensuring optimal growth and productivity.

How to Use Fertilizers

Using fertilizers correctly is important to avoid harming the environment. Here are some tips.

Test the Soil

 Before applying fertilizers, farmers should test the soil to understand what nutrients are needed.

Follow Instructions

Always follow the recommended amounts and methods for applying fertilizers to prevent overuse.

Consider Organic Options

 Using natural fertilizers can be better for the environment and improve soil health over time.


Fertilizers are essential in agriculture as they provide the nutrients that plants need to grow strong and healthy. By using them wisely, farmers can increase their crop yields and improve the quality of food produced. Understanding fertilizers helps us appreciate the role they play in feeding the world and supporting sustainable farming practices.


The Role of Biostimulants in Sustainable Agriculture

The Role of Biostimulants in Sustainable Agriculture

Biostimulants are gaining recognition as vital components in sustainable agriculture. They offer promising solutions to enhance crop growth and resilience while minimizing environmental impacts. These natural or biologically derived substances improve plant health, nutrient absorption, and stress tolerance, making them essential in addressing the challenges posed by climate change and increasing food demands.

SV Agro Solutions is a top biostimulant manufacturer in Pune. We create special products called biostimulants that help plants grow better and healthier. These biostimulants are made from natural ingredients like seaweed and helpful microorganisms.

Get the benefits of biostimulants with SV Agro Solutions! Our natural products, made from seaweed and helpful microbes, help plants grow better and healthier. They make plants grow faster, absorb nutrients more effectively, and handle tough conditions like dry weather and diseases. Our biostimulants also improve soil health by encouraging good microorganisms, which can lead to more fruits and vegetables. They're easy to use just treat seeds, spray on leaves, or mix them into the soil. With our biostimulants, you can enjoy thriving crops and support sustainable farming!

What Are Biostimulants?

Biostimulants include a variety of organic compounds, microorganisms, and natural extracts that stimulate plant growth and enhance their ability to cope with environmental stresses. Unlike fertilizers, which provide essential nutrients directly, biostimulants work by improving the efficiency of nutrient uptake and promoting beneficial physiological processes within plants. This can lead to healthier crops that require fewer chemical inputs.

Types of Biostimulants

Microbial Biostimulants

These include beneficial bacteria and fungi that enhance soil health and plant growth by improving nutrient availability and root development.

Natural Extracts

Substances derived from plants, such as seaweed or humic acids, which can stimulate growth and improve soil structure.

Organic Compounds

These may include amino acids or other organic substances that support plant metabolism and stress responses.

What are the advantages of biostimulants in agriculture?

Enhanced Crop Productivity

By improving nutrient uptake and overall plant vigor, biostimulants can significantly boost crop yields.

Stress Resistance

They help plants withstand abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, and extreme temperatures, which are becoming more common due to climate change.

Soil Health Improvement

Biostimulants can enhance soil chemistry and biology, leading to better root function and nutrient cycling.

Reduced Chemical Dependency

Utilizing biostimulants can decrease the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, promoting environmentally friendly farming practices.

Better Quality Produce

Crops treated with biostimulants often show improved nutritional quality and shelf life, benefiting both farmers and consumers.

The Role of Biostimulants in Sustainable Practices

As global populations rise, the demand for food increases. Traditional agricultural methods relying heavily on chemical inputs are proving unsustainable due to their negative effects on soil health and the environment. Biostimulants present a viable alternative by fostering sustainable farming practices that align with ecological principles.

By enhancing plant resilience against environmental challenges, biostimulants contribute to food security without compromising the health of ecosystems. They enable farmers to produce more with less impact on natural resources, thus supporting a more sustainable agricultural future.

SV Agro Solutions is introducing SV Canter. This powerful product is designed to boost plant growth and health. Made with natural ingredients, SV Canter helps your plants absorb nutrients better and grow stronger. With SV Canter, you can enjoy bigger, healthier crops while supporting sustainable farming practices. Give your plants the boost they need today!


In summary, biostimulants play an important role in modern agriculture by enhancing plant growth, resilience, and soil health while reducing reliance on chemical inputs. Their many uses make biostimulants an important part of moving towards sustainable farming. As research discovers more about their benefits, biostimulants could change how we farm, helping to ensure food security while also protecting our planet for future generations.



The Vital Role of Micronutrients in Sustainable Agriculture

The Vital Role of Micronutrients in Sustainable Agriculture

Micronutrients are small but powerful elements that play a crucial role in the health and growth of plants. Just like humans need vitamins, plants require micronutrients such as iron, zinc, copper, and manganese in tiny amounts to thrive. These nutrients are essential for various plant functions, including photosynthesis, enzyme activity, and overall health.

In sustainable agriculture, the use of micronutrients is vital for improving crop quality and yield. 

When plants receive the right balance of micronutrients, they can absorb other essential nutrients more effectively.  This leads to stronger plants that are better equipped to resist diseases and cope with environmental stresses like drought or extreme temperatures.

SV Agro Solutions is a leading company based in Pune, Maharashtra, that makes high-quality organic farming products using advanced nano-technology. For over ten years, we have focused on research and development to help farmers grow better crops while protecting the environment. Our mission is "Save Soil – Save Lives," and we are dedicated to providing farmers with safe, effective, and affordable inputs to improve their harvests and livelihoods. By choosing our products, you support healthier farming practices that benefit both the soil and the community. Join us in making a positive impact on agriculture in India!

At SV Agro Solutions, a leading micronutrient manufacturer in Pune, we offer organic micronutrient products designed to support farmers and gardeners. Our products improve plant health by making them stronger against pests and diseases. When plants receive the right micronutrients, they can produce more fruits and vegetables, leading to better yields for farmers.

We provide various ways to apply micronutrients, including adding them to fertilizers, improving soil quality, using foliar sprays for quick absorption, or coating seeds before planting. By using our organic micronutrient products, you can help your plants thrive and achieve healthier crops while promoting sustainable farming practices. Choose SV Agro Solutions for effective solutions that benefit both your crops and the environment!

What Are Micronutrients?

Micronutrients are nutrients that plants require in trace amounts. While macronutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are necessary in larger quantities, micronutrients are just as important for plant health. Each micronutrient has a specific role; for example, iron is essential for making chlorophyll, which helps plants convert sunlight into energy. Zinc supports plant growth by aiding in DNA synthesis and cell division.

Why Are Micronutrients Important?

Micronutrients help plants absorb other nutrients more efficiently. When they are present in the soil, plants can use macronutrients better, leading to stronger growth.

What is the importance of micronutrients in Indian agriculture?

Micronutrients play a vital role in Indian agriculture, significantly influencing crop health, productivity, and soil fertility. Here are four key aspects of their importance.

1. Enhancing Crop Yield and Quality

Micronutrients such as zinc, boron, and iron are essential for the proper growth and development of plants. They contribute to various physiological processes, including photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, and enzyme activity. For instance, boron is crucial for flowering and fruiting, while zinc aids in protein synthesis and growth regulation. Deficiencies in these micronutrients can lead to stunted growth and reduced crop yields, impacting food security in a country where agriculture is a primary livelihood.

2. Soil Fertility Improvement

The application of micronutrient fertilizers helps restore soil fertility, particularly in regions where soil is deficient due to extensive farming practices. In India, many soils are found to be deficient in essential micronutrients like boron about 24% of soils are reported to lack this nutrient. By incorporating micronutrients into the soil management practices, farmers can enhance the nutrient profile of the soil, leading to healthier crops and improved agricultural sustainability.

3. Economic Benefits for Farmers

The balanced use of micronutrient fertilizers can significantly increase farmer incomes by improving crop quality and yield. The Indian government is promoting the use of these fertilizers as part of its initiative to double farmers' incomes by 2023. Enhanced productivity not only benefits individual farmers but also contributes to the overall agricultural economy by increasing food supply and reducing dependency on imports.

4. Mitigating Nutritional Deficiencies

Micronutrients in crops directly influence human health by enhancing the nutritional quality of food. For example, crops enriched with zinc can help combat zinc deficiency in populations that rely heavily on staple foods with low micronutrient content. This is particularly important in India, where malnutrition remains a significant public health challenge. By improving the micronutrient content of agricultural produce, farmers can contribute to better health outcomes for consumers.

In summary, the integration of micronutrients into Indian agriculture is crucial for boosting crop yields, improving soil health, enhancing farmer livelihoods, and addressing nutritional deficiencies in the population.

What is the general role of micronutrients in plants?

Micronutrients are essential elements required by plants in small quantities, yet they play critical roles in various physiological and biochemical processes. Here are the general roles of micronutrients in plants.

1. Enzyme Activation

Micronutrients such as zinc, copper, and manganese are vital for activating enzymes that facilitate numerous metabolic reactions. For instance, zinc is crucial for the activation of enzymes involved in protein synthesis and energy production, while manganese plays a role in photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism.

2. Photosynthesis and Energy Transfer

Chlorophyll, the pigment that is involved in photosynthesis, is primarily made up of iron. It aids in the transfer of energy within the plant and is essential for the synthesis of various enzymes that support this process. Without adequate iron, plants can exhibit chlorosis (yellowing of leaves) due to impaired chlorophyll production.

3. Cell Structure and Function

Boron is important for cell wall formation and stability, influencing sugar transport and cell division. It is particularly vital during flowering and fruiting stages, impacting crop quality and yield. Additionally, micronutrients like calcium (though often classified as a macronutrient) contribute to maintaining cell membrane integrity and overall plant structure.

4. Nutrient Uptake and Regulation

Micronutrients also play a role in regulating the uptake of other nutrients. For example, molybdenum is essential for nitrogen fixation in legumes, while chlorine helps maintain osmotic balance within plant cells. These functions ensure that plants can efficiently absorb and utilize macronutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Role of Micronutrients in Sustainable Agriculture

Disease Resistance

Adequate levels of micronutrients enhance a plant's immune system, making it more resilient to diseases and pests. This is crucial for maintaining healthy crops without relying heavily on chemical pesticides.

Better Crop Quality

Micronutrients directly affect the quality of the produce. They influence the taste, color, and nutritional value of fruits and vegetables, making them more appealing to consumers.

Sustainable Practices

Using micronutrients can reduce the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This not only benefits the environment but also promotes sustainable farming practices that protect soil health.

Using micronutrients also helps reduce the need for chemical fertilizers, making farming more environmentally friendly. Healthier plants lead to better harvests, which not only benefits farmers but also contributes to food security for communities.

In summary, micronutrients are essential for sustainable agriculture. They help improve plant health, increase yields, and support environmental sustainability. By choosing the right micronutrient products, you can ensure your crops thrive while protecting our planet for future generations. Explore our range of organic micronutrient solutions today and see the difference they can make in your farming practices!

How to Apply Micronutrients

Farmers can apply micronutrients through various methods

Soil Amendments

Adding micronutrient-rich fertilizers to the soil before planting.

Foliar Sprays

Spraying a solution containing micronutrients directly onto plant leaves for quick absorption.

Seed Coating

Coating seeds with micronutrient solutions to give them a nutrient boost right from the start.

Challenges in Managing Micronutrients

Despite their importance, managing micronutrient levels can be challenging. Soil tests are essential to determine the existing levels of these nutrients and ensure they are applied correctly. Over-application can lead to toxicity, while under-application can cause deficiencies.


In sustainable agriculture, micronutrients are vital for promoting healthy plant growth and improving crop yields. By understanding their roles and applying them effectively, farmers can enhance their crop quality while supporting environmental health. As we move towards more sustainable farming practices, prioritizing micronutrient management will be key to achieving agricultural success.


The Importance of Soil Health and Why it is important

The Importance of Soil Health and Why it is Important

Soil health means how good the soil is at supporting plants, animals, and tiny living things called microorganisms. Healthy soil is full of nutrients, has a good structure, and is alive with activity. It is very important for growing food, cleaning water, and storing carbon.

Soil is often called the foundation of farming because it gives plants the nutrients and support they need to grow. If the soil isn’t healthy, crops can have a hard time growing well, which can lead to less food and lower quality.

Soil health is also crucial for nature. It supports many living things, from tiny microbes to larger animals. Healthy soil helps keep different species alive, which is important for a balanced environment.

In short, taking care of our soil is essential for producing food and keeping our planet healthy!

At SV Agro Solutions Pvt. Ltd., we are a leading manufacturer of high-quality organic agricultural inputs using advanced nanotechnology, based in Pune, Maharashtra. Our mission, “Save Soil – Save Lives,” focuses on enhancing soil health to improve crop yields and reduce the risk of agricultural losses. We understand the importance of sustainable soil management, which involves conserving ecosystems while optimizing productivity. Our innovative products support key aspects of soil health, including effective carbon transformations, nutrient management, soil structure maintenance, and natural pest regulation.

What is Soil Health?

Soil health is all about how well soil works as a living system. Just like our bodies need to be healthy to function properly, the soil needs to be healthy to support plants, animals, and us!

Key Components of Soil Health

Organic Matter

This includes decomposed plants and animals. Organic matter improves soil structure, helps retain moisture, and provides essential nutrients for plants.


These are natural substances found in soil that provide vital nutrients for plant growth. Common minerals include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.


Healthy soil has spaces that allow air to circulate. This is important for the roots of plants and the microorganisms living in the soil.


Soil needs to hold enough water for plants while also allowing excess water to drain.

away. Good soil health means it can manage water effectively.

Living Organisms

Soil is home to countless tiny creatures like bacteria, fungi, earthworms, and insects. These organisms help break down organic matter, improve soil structure, and promote nutrient cycling.

In summary, soil health is about how well all these components work together to create a thriving environment for plants and other living things. Healthy soil is essential for growing food and maintaining a balanced ecosystem!

Why is Soil Health Important?

Sustaining Life

The basis of life on Earth is healthy soil. It supports plant growth by providing essential nutrients, water, and a place for roots to anchor. When soil is rich in organic matter and full of beneficial microorganisms, it creates a thriving environment for plants. This, in turn, supports a diverse range of wildlife, including insects, birds, and other animals that rely on plants for food and habitat. Healthy soil promotes biodiversity, which is crucial for maintaining balanced ecosystems.

Food Production

Soil health directly affects how much food we can produce. Healthy soil is fertile and can hold water well, allowing crops to grow strong and plentiful. When soil is rich in nutrients and has a good structure, plants can absorb what they need to thrive. This means higher crop yields and better-quality food. Farmers who take care of their soil often see more abundant harvests, which helps feed communities and supports local economies.

Environmental Benefits

Healthy soil plays a vital role in protecting our environment. It acts as a natural filter, cleaning water as it moves through the ground. This helps prevent pollution from reaching rivers and lakes. Additionally, healthy soil stores carbon, which helps reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. By sequestering carbon, healthy soils contribute to fighting climate change. Furthermore, well-maintained soils can absorb excess rainwater, reducing the risk of flooding and erosion.

In summary, maintaining soil health is essential not just for growing food but also for sustaining life on our planet and protecting the environment. Healthy soil benefits everyone!

Functions of Healthy Soil

Water Regulation

Healthy soil plays a crucial role in managing water. It can retain moisture, which is essential for plants to grow. When it rains, healthy soil absorbs water like a sponge, storing it for plants to use later. This helps prevent flooding by allowing excess water to drain away slowly. Good soil also reduces the risk of drought by holding onto moisture longer, ensuring that plants have enough water even during dry spells.

Nutrient Cycling

Soil is home to tiny living organisms, like bacteria and fungi, that help with nutrient cycling. These microbes break down organic matter, such as dead plants and animal remains, turning it into nutrients that plants can absorb. This process is essential for keeping the soil rich and fertile. When nutrients are recycled in the soil, plants can grow strong and healthy, leading to better crop yields and healthier ecosystems.

Physical Stability

The structure of healthy soil is vital for supporting plants. Good soil has a balance of sand, silt, and clay particles that create spaces for air and water. This structure allows roots to grow deep and strong, anchoring the plants securely in place. When soil is well-structured, it prevents erosion and compaction, which can harm plant growth. A stable soil environment helps ensure that plants can thrive and withstand environmental challenges like wind and heavy rain.

Understanding Soil Degradation

Soil degradation is a serious problem that affects the quality of soil, making it less productive and less able to support plant life. Here’s a simple explanation of what soil degradation is, its causes, and some important statistics about its impact.

What is Soil Degradation?

Soil degradation refers to the decline in soil quality caused by various factors, often due to human activities. It means that the soil loses its ability to provide essential nutrients, support plant growth, and maintain a healthy ecosystem.

Future Strategies for Soil Health

As we look to the future, sustainable agriculture is becoming increasingly important for maintaining soil health. Here are some innovative strategies that can help.

Cover Cropping

Planting cover crops during the off-season helps improve soil structure, reduce erosion, and increase organic matter. These crops also provide nutrients when they decompose.

Reduced Tillage

Minimizing soil disturbance through reduced or no-till farming helps maintain soil structure and health. This practice preserves the habitat for beneficial organisms and improves water retention.

Organic Amendments

Using organic fertilizers and compost enriches the soil with nutrients and enhances microbial activity. This not only improves plant growth but also supports a healthy ecosystem.

Precision Agriculture

Utilizing technology such as soil sensors and drones allows farmers to monitor soil conditions closely. This data helps in making informed decisions about nutrient management and irrigation, leading to better soil health.

Crop Rotation

Rotating different crops each season prevents nutrient depletion and reduces pest cycles. Including legumes in the rotation can naturally add nitrogen back into the soil.

Biological Products

Incorporating biostimulants and bioprotectants can enhance nutrient uptake and improve plant resilience against diseases, further supporting soil health.


maintaining healthy soil is crucial for our planet and future generations. Healthy soil supports plant growth, helps produce food, and protects our environment. It plays a vital role in filtering water, storing carbon, and promoting biodiversity. Without healthy soil, we risk losing these essential benefits, which can lead to food shortages and environmental problems.