It is beneficial to use fertilizers in a balanced amount in the vineyard, for this it is necessary to plan the harvest after regular soil testing, water testing and examination of cane stalks etc. , thus creating a new problem of not filling the sugar in time, most of the farmers try to reduce the amount of nitrogen and increase the amount of potassium while filling sugar (brix), but the measures taken at the time are not very useful, for that control of nitrogen and use of potassium in the beginning. You have to plan from the beginning. In recent years, the deficiency of phosphorus in the soil in the vineyard has become very serious.
In the last two years, soil samples from many vineyards that have come to me have been tested in the laboratory and found to be below 10 kg of phosphorus per hectare. (40% of the total sample had this low phosphorus). Realistically, this amount of available phosphorus for grape vines should be above 35 kg per hectare. Many soil experts or agricultural advisors recommend the use of phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria such as PSB in the soil, because the phosphorus in the soil is not readily available to the crop, often chemical fertilizers are applied by spray or combination, and the phosphorus combines with other chemicals to form complex compounds, such as Under these conditions, these bacteria are beneficial, but if the phosphorus content in the soil is very low, these bacteria cannot produce phosphorus. To increase the phosphorus level, it is more beneficial to use a fertilizer like rock phosphate or single super phosphate, mixed with single super phosphate compost or organic fertilizers in the soil. If added, the availability of nitrogen and other nutrients in organic manure increases many times. Before October pruning 250 to 300 kg of single super phosphate per acre mixed with organic compost fertilizer and applied near the roots will make it easier for the grape vine to get nutrients from the organic component, if the soil is alkaline (pH above 7.5) then 40-50 kg of bentolite sulfur should be used with this fertilizer. , (18 -20 %) means that the pH will be slightly under control.
Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions