
Farmers should use maximum amount of organic fertilizers in the vineyard for the production of high quality grapes, usually 10 to 12 tons of organic manure should be given to the vineyard every year but instead of giving the same kind of manure or compost, better decomposed manure 40%, green manure 20%. , pressed mud 10%, vermicompost 10%, different types of organic manure 10%, boiler poultry manure 7% and ready-made husk manure 3% will be more beneficial if given in two parts rather than at one time. Apart from this, the slurry made from cow dung and gomutra can be given at least once in a month. Also, if various types of bacterial fertilizers are given from time to time, there will be no need to give large amounts of chemical fertilizers. April pruning or October pruning before soil testing can understand the amount of available nitrogen in the soil, the amount of nitrogen is easily understood based on the percentage of organic carbon in the soil, suppose if the organic carbon content in our soil is around 0.80%, the amount of available nitrogen in that soil is 500 kg per hectare. It is almost there, even if 20% of this nitrogen is unavailable due to some reasons, 400 kg of nitrogen can be left and available, apart from this, if the water regularly supplied to the vineyard is tested in the laboratory, the amount of nitrate in the water is found to be 80 to 185 ppm per liter and in the water Dissolved nitrate is mostly absorbed by crops, in the case of a vineyard, approximately 125 kg of nitrogen per hectare per year can be available through such irrigation, and 100 to 150 kg per hectare is available through pre-monsoon and post-monsoon absorption into the soil and vines. , and the organic matter that we are going to provide provides 150 kg of nitrogen per hectare. (Assuming 0.6% nitrogen availability from a total of 25 tons of organic fertilizers per hectare), your vineyard can now comfortably receive a total of 775 to 800 kg of nitrogen under all conditions.   Now let's see how much nitrogen is recommended. In the previous section, we saw that the vineyard needs 900 kg of nitrogen per hectare, so if we calculate now, 100 to 125 kg of nitrogen per hectare is still less. Even with 110 kg of urea, the entire nitrogen content of the garden can be met. If the grape vine gets its full potential of nitrogen, the production is good along with the growth of the grape vine, but if the same nitrogen is more than required, there are different effects on the vineyard. As a result, the brittleness of the leaves and stems increases, so fungi such as downy mildew and powdery mildew enter the vine immediately, the sap-absorbing insects increase in excess, the ripening period increases, and some other nutrients are not available to the vine at the same time due to excess nitrogen. Many grape growers today are facing many problems due to nitrogen imbalance alone. That is why it is necessary to balance the fertilizers by doing regular soil tests. 

Mr. Subhash Chandra Karale Sir
Director, SV Agro Solutions