
Bacterial Blight (Telya Disease) in Pomegranates

 Bacterial Blight (Telya Disease) in Pomegranates

Bacterial blight, also known as Telya disease, is a serious problem for pomegranate growers. This disease can cause significant damage to pomegranate trees, affecting both the leaves and fruits. Here, we'll break down what bacterial blight is, how to identify it, and what you can do to manage and prevent it.

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What is Bacterial Blight?

Bacterial blight is caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae. This bacterium infects the pomegranate tree, leading to a range of symptoms that can reduce the quality and quantity of the fruit.

Symptoms of Bacterial Blight

Identifying bacterial blight early is crucial for managing the disease. Here are the common signs to look out for:

Leaf Spots: Small, water-soaked spots appear on the leaves. These spots turn brown and may have a yellow halo around them.

Fruit Spots: The fruits develop dark brown to black spots. These spots can be slightly raised and may crack open, leading to fruit rot.

Stem Cankers: Dark, sunken lesions can appear on the stems and branches, which can girdle the stems and kill them.

How Does Bacterial Blight Spread?

Bacterial blight spreads through various means

Rain Splash: Rain can splash the bacteria from infected areas to healthy parts of the tree.

Insects: Insects can carry the bacteria from one tree to another.

Pruning Tools: Using contaminated pruning tools can spread the bacteria.

Managing Bacterial Blight

Managing bacterial blight involves several steps. Here's what you can do:

Sanitation: Remove and destroy infected leaves, fruits, and branches. This helps reduce the spread of the bacteria.

Pruning: Prune the trees to improve air circulation, which can help reduce the humidity levels that the bacteria thrive in. Always disinfect pruning tools before and after use.

Chemical control: Copper-based bactericides can be used to control the disease. It's important to follow the recommended application rates and timings.

Resistant Varieties: Planting pomegranate varieties that are resistant to bacterial blight can help reduce the impact of the disease.

Preventing Bacterial Blight

Prevention is always better than cure. Here are some preventive measures:

Proper Irrigation: Avoid overhead watering, which can splash the bacteria onto healthy 

parts of the tree. Drip irrigation is a better option.

Healthy Soil: Maintain healthy soil with good drainage to support strong tree growth.

Regular Monitoring: Regularly inspect your pomegranate trees for any signs of disease. Early detection can help manage the disease more effectively.


Bacterial blight, or Telya disease, is a challenging issue for pomegranate growers, but with proper management and preventive measures, it can be controlled. By keeping a close eye on your trees and taking action at the first signs of infection, you can help ensure a healthy and productive pomegranate orchard.